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Storytelling That Sells Masterclass$44

  • Total payment
  • 1xStorytelling That Sells Masterclass$44

All prices in USD

It's your turn to take your storytelling skillset to the next level in order to build not just an audience but your COMMUNITY of diehard fans & clients through mastering storytelling STRATEGY

This isn’t Basic B storytelling & hero’s journey sh*t - welcome to the masterclass on how to create a strategic storytelling ecosystem that grows your diehard community & make sales more effortless

If you've nailed the launch posts, the conversion content, and the basic storytelling ("I was once where you are...") & it's all starting to feel bland & bone-dry for you (plus it's not bringing in more aligned clients & more income with more consistency for you)... listen up

The bigger business you envision will happen as the result of more people choosing you with more consistency

And this happens when more people feel deeply connected to you, what you stand for, your unique take & flavor of expertise, and feel your open, beating heart

Look around you in your industry. And look beyond your industry at the leaders you genuinely feel connected to, buy from, & follow rabidly

ALL of them not only use storytelling, but have mastered next-level storytelling. It's what's built their brands. And it's translated into a community of diehard fans who don't just follow them but buy from them... continuously

And now it's your turn to master the sh*t out of storytelling to forge deep emotional connections that build not just an audience but your COMMUNITY

In my Storytelling That Sells Masterclass, I’ll be teaching you -

How to cut through the distracting marketing jargon (hero story! origins story! brand story!) so you know *exactly* what to focus on to master impactful storytelling

The connection between storytelling & selling high-ticket offers (yes, you utilize your messaging & storytelling differently based on what you’re selling)

How to tell stories that sell instead of stories that inspire people to leave you nice comments & then go buy from someone else

… and so much more

Replay access is yours for life when you purchase


By clicking “Buy Now” or any phrase with similar implications, you are legally acknowledging that you are responsible for completing your payments in entirety regardless of program usage, and you understand that there are no refunds and all intellectual property within the program belongs to Carolyn Stine Coaching.