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The Must-Have Effect Masterclass$22

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Must-Have Effect Masterclass$22

All prices in USD

A Masterclass about the energetics of messaging that calls in your diehard fans & lifelong clients

Ready to pour rocket fuel on top of your messaging to call in your tribe of soulmate clients in the most easeful, pleasurable, and authentic way? Then keep reading, bb:

One of my 1:1 clients reflected to me earlier this year that she’d never experienced any coaches who combine messaging, strategy, & energetics like I do

And I realized that, while I teach publicly about messaging & strategy on the reg, all of my energetics trainings have *always* occurred behind closed doors, an all-access pass for my high-proximity clients only

I’m pulling back the curtain on my 6 years deeply anchored in this energetic work (on top of 14 years mastering messaging, marketing, & strategy) for this once in a lifetime free training that will activate your messaging in a completely new & deeper way because YOU are activated in a completely new & deeper way

These are the energetic codes that are truly the secret sauce that supports my clients in experiencing more results, faster & have been my own secret sauce in growing my business, too (six-figures in year 1 of biz and counting)

Welcome to Must-Have Effect: the Masterclass

If you’ve been in DOING mode and FIXING mode in your biz…

-Doing all the things and yet, not seeing the income & the clients catch up

- Finding new problems to solve that don’t move the needle when you do solve them credibility with exactly the people you desire to reach & serve?

- Sharing alllll the content & yet it’s not converting like you want it to

… you do not want to miss this training

I’m going to go deeper than I ever have before in a Masterclass on the energetics that create the Must-Have Effect in your messaging & in your business

Your offers? MUST HAVE 

Your content? MUST HAVE 

Your presence? MUST HAVE

You'll receive instant access to the Masterclass upon purchase & lifetime access to the content


By clicking “Buy Now” or any phrase with similar implications, you are legally acknowledging that you are responsible for completing your payments in entirety regardless of program usage, and you understand that there are no refunds and all intellectual property within the program belongs to Carolyn Stine Coaching.